性 别 最高学历 博士研究生
职 称 研究员 专家类别 博士生导师,国家杰出青年基金获得者
部 门 材料使役行为研究部
通讯地址 辽宁省沈阳市沈河区文化路72号,中国科学院金属研究所
邮政编码 110016 电子邮件 zhfzhang@imr.ac.cn
电 话 +86-24-23971043 传 真 +86-24-23891320

09/1988 – 07/1992:西安交通大学材料科学与工程系、工学学士

09/1992 – 07/1995:西安交通大学材料科学与工程系、工学硕士

09/1995 – 06/1998:中国科学院金属研究所、工学博士

07/1998 – 09/1999:中国科学院金属研究所、助理研究员

09/1999 – 12/2003:中国科学院金属研究所、副研究员

09/2000 – 09/2001:日本产业技术综合研究所、科学振兴会资助研究员

10/2001 – 01/2003:德国莱布尼兹固体材料研究所、洪堡学者

01/2003 – 12/2003:德国斯图加特马普金属研究所、访问学者

01/2004 – 今:中国科学院金属研究所、研究员

01/2005 – 今:中国科学院金属研究所沈阳材料科学国家(联合)实验室,材料疲劳与断裂研究部副主任、主任

03/2006 – 今:中国科学院金属研究所、博士生导师

01/2008 – 今:中国科学院金属研究所、学位委员会委员

01/2009 – 今:中国科学院金属研究所、学术委员会委员

04/2009 – 今:中国科学院金属研究所、所长助理;沈阳材料科学国家(联合)实验室,主任助理、材料失效分析中心主任

08/2012 – 12/2018:中国科学院金属研究所、副所长

01/2013 – :中国科学院金属研究所 沈阳材料科学国家(联合)实验室 副主任








  长期从事金属结构材料变形与强韧化机制、疲劳损伤与寿命预测、断裂与强度理论及失效分析等方面研究工作,作为项目负责人承担国家自然科学重大基金、杰出青年基金、重点基金及科技部973项目及两机专项项目20余项,带领研究团队开展航空航天、高铁、舰船、汽车及军工等领域关键构件可靠性研究与失效分析案例300余项。揭示了疲劳位错、晶界与孪晶界面疲劳损伤微观机制,提出了统一拉伸断裂准则和低周疲劳损伤寿命预测模型,建立了若干材料疲劳性能与静态性能之间定量关系,研究成果在Nature Mater.、Prog. Mater. Sci.、Phys. Rev. Lett.、Acta Mater.等SCI刊物上发表论文380余篇,被SCI论文引用8000余次,单篇论文引用580余次。在国际学术会议上作邀请报告40余次,部分研究成果获“辽宁省自然科学二等奖”、辽宁省青年科技奖。


  01/2006 – 12/2008:中国材料研究学会青年委员会理事;

  06/2006 – 至今:中国材料研究学会疲劳分会秘书长、理事;

  01/2008 – 至今:任中国材料研究学会理事;

  01/2008 – 至今:任《科学通报》编委;

  01/2009 – 至今:中国材料研究学会青年委员会副秘书长、常务理事;

  01/2009 – 至今:任《金属学报》编委;

  09/2009 – 至今:国际强度委员会(ICSMA)委员;

  01/2011 – 至今:Int. J. Fatigue刊物编委;

  09/2011 – 至今:中国材料研究学会青年委员会副主任;

  05/2012 – 至今:Mater. Sci. Eng., A刊物编委;

11/2015:国家百千万人才工程 “有突出贡献中青年专家”荣誉称号
12/2007:入选辽宁省百千万人才计划”— 百人层次人选;

  在Acta Mater.、Phys. Rev.Lett.、Prog. Mater. Sci.、Nature Mater.、Nature Commun.等SCI刊物上发表SCI论文380余篇(第一作者50篇) ,上述论文被发表在Nature、Science、NatureMater.、Phys. Rev. Lett.和Acta Mater.等80余种SCI刊物上论文引用8000余次,单篇论文引用580余次。代表性学术论文如下

  1. Liu, Z., Meyers, M. A., Zhang, Z. F. & Ritchie, R. O., Functional gradients and heterogeneities in biological materials: Design principles, functions, and bioinspired applications. Prog. Mater. Sci., 88 (2017) 467-498.

  2. Li, L. L., Zhang, Z. J., Zhang, P., Wang, Z. G. & Zhang, Z. F., Controllable fatigue cracking mechanisms of copper bicrystals with a coherent twin boundary. Nature Commun., 5 (2014) 3536.

  3. Li, P., Li, S. X., Wang, Z. G., and Zhang, Z. F., Fundamental principle of cyclic deformation behaviors and dislocation evolution of fcc crystals, Prog. Mater. Sci., 56 (2011) 328-377.

  4. Zhang, Z. F., and Wang, Z. G., Grain boundary effects on cyclic deformation and fatigue damage, Prog. Mater. Sci., 53 (2008) 1025-1099.

  5. Zhang, Z. F., and Eckert, J., Unified tensile fracture criterion, Phys. Rev. Lett., 94 (2005) 094301.

  6. Zhang, Z. F., He, G., Eckert, J., and Schultz, L., Fracture mechanisms in bulk metallic glassy materials, Phys. Rev. Lett., 91 (2003) 045505

  7. Han, W. Z., Cheng, G. M., Li, S. X., Wu, S. D., and Zhang, Z. F., Deformation induced micro-twins and stacking faults in aluminum single crystal, Phys. Rev. Lett., 101 (2008) 115505.

  8. Guo, H., Yan, P. F., Wang, Y. B., Tan, J., Zhang, Z. F., Sui, M. L., and Ma, E., Tensile plasticity and necking of metallic glass, Nature Mater., 6 (2007) 735-739.

  9. Zhang, Z. J., Zhang, P., Li, L. L., and Zhang, Z. F., Fatigue cracking at twin boundaries: Effects of stacking fault energy and crystallographic orientation, Acta Mater., 60 (2012) 3113-3127.

  10. Wu, F. F., Zheng, W., Wu, S. D., Zhang, Z. F., Shen, J., Deformation and fracture behaviors of Ti-based metallic glass under multiaxial stress state, Acta Mater., 60 (2012) 2073-2081.

  11. Tian, Y. Z., Li, J. J., Zhang, P., Wu, S. D., Zhang, Z. F., Kawasaki, M., Langdon, T. G., Microstructure, strengthening mechanisms and fracture behavior of Cu-Ag alloy processed by high-pressure torsion, Acta Mater., 60 (2012) 269-281.

  12. Tian, Y. Z., Wu, S. D., Zhang, Z. F., Figueiredo, R. B., Gao, N., Langdon, T. G., Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of a two-phase Cu-Ag alloy processed by high-pressure torsion at ultrahigh strains, Acta Mater., 59 (2011) 2783-2796.

  13. Zhao, J. X., Wu. F. F., Qu, R. T., Li, S. X., and Zhang, Z. F., Plastic deformability of metallic glass by macroscopically artificial notches, Acta Mater., 58 (2010) 5420-5432.

  14. Li, P., Li, S. X., Wang, Z. G., and Zhang, Z. F., Formation mechanisms of cyclic saturation dislocation patterns in [0 0 1], [0 1 1] and [111] copper single crystals, Acta Mater., 58 (2010) 3281-3294.

  15. Han, W. Z., Yang, H. J., An, X. H., Yang, R. Q., Li, S. X., Wu, S. D., and Zhang, Z. F., Evolution of initial grain boundaries and shear bands in Cu bicrystals during one-pass equal channel angular pressing, Acta Mater., 57 (2009) 1132-1146.

  16. Qu, S., An, X. H., Yang, H. J., Huang, C. X., Yang, G., Zang, Q. S., Wang, Z. G., Wu, S. D., and Zhang, Z. F., Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of Cu-Al alloys subjected to equal channel angular pressing, Acta Mater., 57 (2009) 1586-1601.

  17. Wu, F. F., Zhang, Z. F., and Mao, S. X., Size-dependent shear fracture and global tensile plasticity of metallic glasses, Acta Mater., 57 (2009) 257-266.

  18. Li, P., Zhang, Z. F., Li, X. W., Li, S. X., and Wang, Z. G., Effect of orientations on the cyclic deformation behaviors of silver single crystals: comparison with behaviors of copper and nickel single crystals, Acta Mater., 57 (2009) 4845-4854.

  19. Li, P., Zhang, Z. F., Li, S. X., and Wang, Z. G., Effect of orientations on cyclic deformation behaviors of Ag and Cu single crystals: CSS curve and slip morphology, Acta Mater., 56 (2008) 2212-2222.

  20. Wu, F. F., Zhang, Z. F., Shen, J., and Mao, S. X., Shear deformation and plasticity of metallic glass under multiple loading, Acta Mater., 56 (2008) 894-904.

  21. Zou, H. F., Yang, H. J., and Zhang, Z. F., Morphologies, orientation relationships and evolution of Cu6Sn5 grains formed between molten Sn and Cu single crystals, Acta Mater., 56 (2008) 2649-2662.

  22. Han, W. Z., Zhang, Z. F., Wu, S. D., and Li, S. X., Influence of crystallographic orientations on deformation mechanism and grain refinement of Al single crystals subjected to one-pass equal channel angular pressing, Acta Mater., 55 (2007) 5889-5900.

  23. Kim, K.B., Das, J., Wu, X., Zhang, Z. F., Eckert, J., Microscopic deformation mechanism of a Ti66.1Nb13.9Ni4.8Cu8Sn7.2 nanostructure-dendrite composite, Acta Mater. 54 (2006) 3701-3711.

  24. Huang, C. X., Wang, K., Wu, S. D., Zhang, Z. F., Li, G. Y., and Li, S. X., Deformation twinning in polycrystalline copper at room temperature and low strain rate, Acta Mater., 54 (2006) 655-665.

  25. Zhang, Z. F., Eckert, J., and Schultz, L., Difference in compressive and tensile fracture mechanisms of Zr59Cu20Al10Ni8Ti3 bulk metallic glass, Acta Mater., 51 (2003) 1167-1179.

  26. Zhang, Z. F., and Wang, Z. G., Dependence of intergranular fatigue cracking on the interactions of persistent slip bands with grain boundaries, Acta Mater., 51 (2003) 347-364.

  27. He, G., Zhang, Z. F., L?ser, W., Eckert, J., and Schultz, L., Effect of Ta on phase transformation and mechanical properties of a Zr-based bulk metallic glassy composites, Acta Mater., 51 (2003) 2383-2395.

  28. Zhang, Z. F., Wang, Z. G., and Sun, Z. M., Evolution and microstructural characterization of deformation bands in fatigued copper single crystal, Acta Mater., 49 (2001) 2875-2886.

  29. Zhang, Z. F., and Wang, Z. G., Effect of grain boundaries on the cyclic deformation behavior of copper bicrystals and columnar crystals, Acta Mater., 46 (1998) 5063-5072.

  30. Wu, F. F., Zheng, W., Wu, S. D., Zhang, Z. F., and Shen, J., Shear stability of metallic glass, Int. J. Plasticity, 27 (2011) 560-575.

  31. Chen, C. Q., Pei, Y. T., Alexii, O., Hosson, J. T. M. De, Zhang, Z. F., and Ma, E, Banding-less plastic flow of taper-free metallic glass nanopillars, Phys. Rev. B83 (2011) 180201.

  32. Wu, F. F., Zhang, Z. F., Peker, A., Mao, S. X., and Eckert, J., Effect of annealing temperature on the mechanical properties and fracture mechanisms of a Zr56.2Ti13.8Nb5.0Cu6.9Ni5.6Be12.5 bulk metallic glass composite, Phys. Rev. B. 75 (2007) 134201.

  33. Zheng, N., Qu, R. T., Pauly, S., Calin, M., Germming, T., Zhang, Z. F., and J. Eckert, Design of ductile bulk metallic glasses by substitution of ‘soft’ atoms, Appl. Phys. Lett., 100 (2012) 141901.

  34. Wu, F. F., Zhang, Z. F., Jiang, F., Sun, J., Shen, J., and Mao, S. X., Multiplication of shear bands and ductility of metallic glass, Appl. Phys. Lett., 90 (2007) 191909.

  35. Zhang, Z. F., Wu, F. F., Gao, W., Tan, J., Wang, Z. G., Stoica, M., Das, J., Eckert, J., Shen, B. L., and Inoue, A., Wavy cleavage fracture of bulk metallic glass, Appl. Phys. Lett., 89 (2006) 251917.

  36. An, X. H., Han, W. Z., Huang, C. X., Zhang, P., Yang, G., Wu, S. D., and Zhang, Z. F., High strength and utilizable ductility of bulk ultrafine-grained Cu-Al alloys, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92 (2008) 201915.

  37. Han, W. Z., Wu, S. D., Li, S. X., and Zhang, Z. F., Origin of deformation twinning from grain boundary in copper, Appl. Phys. Lett., 92 (2008) 221909.


