性 别 最高学历 博士研究生
职 称 研究员 专家类别 硕士生导师
部 门 高温结构材料研究部
通讯地址 辽宁省沈阳市沈河区文化路72号,中国科学院金属研究所,高温结构材料研究部
邮政编码 110016 电子邮件 wangli@imr.ac.cn
电 话 +86-24-23971276 传 真 +86-24-23971712

  2009.7 至今  中科院金属研究所 工作

  2004.4-2009.6  中科院金属研究所 中德联合培养博士

  2007.5-2009.3  Erlangen-Nuremberg University 联合培养

  2000.9-2004.4  东北大学 中日联合培养硕士

  2002.9-2003.7  Toyohashi University of Technology 联合培养

  1996.9-2000.7  辽宁工业大学 学士






  [1]  L. Wang*, G. Xie, L.H. Lou, Effect of carbon content on the recrystallization of a single crystal nickel-based superalloy, Mater. Lett., 2013, 109, 154-157

  [2]  G. Xie, L. Wang, J. Zhang*, L. H. Lou, Orientational dependence of recrystallization in a Ni-base single-crystal superalloy, Scripta Mater., 2012, 66, 378-381

  [3]  L. Wang*, F. Pyczak, J. Zhang, L. H. Lou, R. F. Singer, Effect of eutectics on plastic deformation and subsequent recrystalllization in the single crystal nickel base superalloy CMSX-4, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2012, 532, 487-492

  [4]  王莉,刘心刚,张健,楼琅洪,第三代单晶高温合金DD33的高温氧化行为,钢铁研究学报,2011,第23卷,增刊2353-356

  [5]  W. G. Jiang*, J. S. Dong, L. Wang, L. H. Lou, Effect of casting modulus on microstructure and segregation in K441 superalloy casting, J. Mater. Sci. Technol., 2011, 27, 9, 831-840

  [6]  G. Xie, L. Wang, J. Zhang*, L. H. Lou, Intermediate temperature creep of directionally solidified Ni-based superalloy containing local recrystallization, Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2011, 528, 3062-3068

  [7]  H. Li*, L. Wang, L. H. Lou, Dendritic coarsening of g’ phase in a directionally solidified superalloy during 24000 hours exposure at 1173K, Mater. Charact., 2010, 61, 502-506

  [8]  L. Wang, F. Pyczak, J. Zhang, R. F. Singer*, On the role of eutectics during recrystallization in a single crystal nickel-base superalloy CMSX-4, Int. J. Mat. Res., 2009, vol. 100, 1046-1051

  [9]  G. Xie*, L. Wang, J. Zhang, L. H. Lou, Influence of Surface Recrystallization on the High Temperature Properties of a Directionally Solidified Ni-Base Superalloy, Metall. Mater. Trans. A, 2008, 39, 1, 206-210

  [10]  G. Xie, L. Wang, J. Zhang*, L. H. Lou, High temperature creep of directionally solidified Ni base superalloys containing local recrystallization, Superalloys 2008, 2008, 453-460

  [11]  L. Wang, G. Xie, J. Zhang*, L. H. Lou, Precipitate free zones along recrystallization grain boundaries during creep in a directionally solidified superalloy, Mater. Sci. Forum, 2007, 546-549, 1235-1240

  [12]  L. Wang*, G. Xie, J. Zhang, L. H. Lou, On the role of carbides during the recrystallization of a directionally solidified nickel-base superalloy, Scripta Mater., 2006, 55, 457-460


  [1] Feb. 2014, Asia Superalloys, Taiwan, China
Microstructure and thermal fatigue behavior of a SX superalloy with holes prepared by different methods
  L. Wang (Sp.), Z.J. Zhou, L.H. Lou, J. Zhang

  [2] Sept. 2013, IUMRS-ICAM 2013, Qingdao, China
  Oral: Tensile behavior of thin wall specimens with holes of different skew angles in a single crystal nickel-base superalloy
  Z.J. Zhou, L. Wang (Sp.), L.H. Lou, J. Zhang

  [3] 中国材料大会2012,太原,中国 

  [4] July. 2011, The 5th Joint Symposium of NIMS, KIMS and IMR – Superalloys and Advanced Processing 2011, Shenyang, China
  Invited: Effect of carbon content on recrystallization in a single crystal nickel base superalloy
  L. Wang (Sp.), J. Zhang, L.H. Lou, R.F. Singer

  [5] Sep. 2008, New congress Materials Science and Engineering – Congress and Exhibition on Advanced Materials and Processes, Nuremberg, Germany
  Oral: Effect of eutectics on recrystallization in a single crystal nickel-base superalloy – CMSX-4
  L. Wang (Sp.), F. Pyczak, J. Zhang, R. F. Singer.

  [6] Jun. 2006, 2006 Beijing International Materials Week, Beijing, China.
  Oral: Precipitate free zones along recrystallization grain boundaries during creep in a directionally solidified superalloy
  L. Wang (Sp), G. Xie, J. Zhang, L.H. Lou
