性 别 最高学历 博士研究生
职 称 项目研究员 专家类别 硕士生导师
部 门 高温结构材料研究部
通讯地址 辽宁省沈阳市沈河区文萃路62号,中国科学院金属研究所,高温结构材料研究部
邮政编码 110016 电子邮件 dwu@imr.ac.cn
电 话 +86-24-23971787 传 真 +86-24-23971758

2023/6 - 至今, 中国科学院金属研究所,高温结构材料研究部,项目研究员

2020/12 - 2023/5, 中国科学院金属研究所,腐蚀基础与前沿研究部,项目研究员

2014/10 - 2020/11,中国科学院金属研究所,材料环境腐蚀研究中心,副研究员

2012/9 - 2014/9,中国科学院金属研究所,材料环境腐蚀研究中心,助理研究员

2008/9 - 2012/7,中国科学院金属研究所,材料学,博士,导师:韩恩厚 研究员,陈荣石 研究员

2006/9 - 2008/7,东北大学,材料加工工程,硕士,导师:许光明 教授

2002/9 - 2006/7,东北大学,尖子生班,学士,导师:初显章 副教授






1.科技部-国家科技专家库 评审专家

2.国家自然科学基金委员会 评审专家

3.沈阳市科技局 评审专家:

4.中国有色金属产业技术创新战略联盟 专家委员会委员


(1) Materials Research Letters(IF: 8.3,中科院二区)首届青年编委

(2) International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials(IF: 4.8,中科院二区)青年编委

(3) 《稀有金属材料与工程》(IF: 0.78,中文核心期刊) 青年编委

(4) 《材料工程》(IF: 0.4,中文核心期刊,CSCD核心期刊)青年编委

(5) 《工程科学学报》(EI,中文核心期刊,CSCD核心期刊)青年编委

(6) 《航空材料学报》(中文核心期刊,CSCD核心期刊)青年编委

(7) 《失效分析与预防》 首届青年编委

(8) Materials (IF: 3.4) 期刊 客座编辑 (Special Issue "Research Progress in High-performance Magnesium Alloy and Its Applications" Guest Editor)

6.中国有色金属学会 有色金属智库(http://www.yszky.com/) 认证专家

7.大牛家-企业对接各行业专家的知识共享平台 专家

受邀作为Scripta Materialia,Chemical Engineering Journal(IF: 15.1)等国内外29种期刊的论文评审专家,东北大学和中国科学技术大学、沈阳化工大学等高校研究生学位论文评审专家及答辩委员会主席/委员等。






5.Journal of Magnesium and Alloys期刊(IF: 17.6)2022-2023年度综合贡献奖

6.Materials Research Letters期刊(IF:8.3)Achievement Award 2023--MRL突出贡献奖


8.人力资源社会保障部、工业和信息化部、国资委等联合授予中科院金属所“长征五号运载火箭首次飞行任务突出贡献单位”, 镁合金团队骨干成员,2017年;


(1)J.L. Li,N. Zhang,X.X. Wang,D. Wu*,R.S. Chen*,Effect of solution treatment on the microstructure and mechanical properties of sand-cast Mg-9Gd-4Y-0.5Zr alloy. Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters) 31 (2018):189-198.

10. 辽宁省金属学会优秀论文奖(6篇一等奖):

(1) D. Wu,X.C. Zhang,Y.F. Li,J.Q. Wang*,E.H. Han,Characterization of machined surface quality and near-surface microstructure of a high speed thrust angular contact ball bearing. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 86 (2021). 2022年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,一等奖;

(2) S.H. Lu,D. Wu*,R.S. Chen*,E.H. Han,Microstructure and texture optimization by static recrystallization originating from {10-12} extension twins in a Mg-Gd-Y alloy. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 59 (2020). 2022年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,二等奖;

(3)B. Zhou,D. Wu*,R.S. Chen*,E.H. Han,Enhanced tensile properties in a Mg-6Gd-3Y-0.5Zr alloy due to hot isostatic pressing (HIP),Journal of Materials Science & Technology 35 (2019). 2020年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,一等奖;

(4) B. Zhou,D. Wu*,R.S. Chen*,E.H. Han,Prediction of shrinkage microporosity in gravity-cast and low-pressure sand-cast Mg-6Gd-3Y-0.5Zr magnesium alloys. Advanced Engineering Materials 21 (2019). 2020年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,二等奖;

(5) S.H. Lu,D. Wu*,R.S. Chen*,E.H. Han,The effect of twinning on dynamic recrystallization behavior of Mg-Gd-Y alloy during hot compression. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,803 (2019). 2020年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,二等奖;

(6) W.H. Wang,D. Wu*,S.S.A. Shah,J.H. Ni,R.S. Chen*,X.N. Zhang,The relationship between dynamic strain aging and serrated flow behavior in magnesium alloy. Philosophical Magazine Letters 97 (2017). 2018 年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,一等奖;

(7) S.S.A. Shah,D. Wu*,W.H. Wang,R.S. Chen*,Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of a Mg-Gd-Y alloy processed by impact forging. Materials Science and Engineering A 702 (2017). 2018 年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,一等奖;

(8) J.L. Li,X.X. Wang,N. Zhang,D. Wu*,R.S. Chen*,Ductility drop of the solutionized Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy during tensile deformation at 350 °C. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 714 (2017). 2018 年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,一等奖;

(9)J.L. Li,D. Wu*,Q.B. Yang,R.S. Chen*,Superplasticity of multi-directional impact forged Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 672 (2016). 2018 年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,二等奖;

(10)W.H. Wang,D. Wu*,S.S.A. Shah,R.S. Chen*,C.S. Lou,The mechanism of critical strain and serration type of the serrated flow in Mg-Nd-Zn alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A 649 (2016). 2016 年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,一等奖;

(11) D. Wu,R.S. Chen*,W. Ke,Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Sand-cast Mg-Nd-Zn Alloy. Materials & Design 58 (2014). 2016 年辽宁省金属学会优秀科技论文,二等奖;

11. 国际学术会议获奖:

(1)D. Wu,R.S. Chen*,E.H. Han. Excellent Paper Award for Young Scientists. Serrated Flow and Tensile Properties of a Mg–Gd–Zn Alloy. The 11th IUMRS International Conference in Asia,September 25-28,2010,Qingdao,China

(2)D. Wu,R.S. Chen*,E.H. Han. Prominent Oral Presentation. Serrated Flow and Tensile Properties of a Mg–Gd–Zn Alloy. The 4th International Conference on Magnesium,September 25-28,2010,Qingdao,China

(3)S.H. Lu,D. Wu*,R.S. Chen*. Excellent Poster. The hot compressive deformation and microstructural evolution of a Mg-Gd-Y-Zr Alloy. The 6th International conference on Magnesium,Sep. 23-26,2017,Shenyang,China.

(4)S.S.A. Shah,D. Wu*,R.S. Chen*. Excellent Poster. Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of a Mg-Gd-Y-Zr Alloy processed by impact forging and annealing treatment. The 6th International conference on Magnesium,Sep. 23-26 (2017) Shenyang,China.

(5)W.H. Wang,D. Wu*,R.S. Chen*,X.N. Zhang. Best Presentation Award. Aging effect on serrated flow in Mg-Nd-Zn alloy. IUMRS-ICA 2016,the 17th International Conference in Asia,October 20-24,2016,Qingdao,China

12.  非科研荣誉:




1.Z.F. Xia,D. Wu*,X.C. Zhang,J.Q. Wang*,E.H. Han,Rolling contact fatigue failure mechanism of bearing steel on different surface roughness levels under heavy load. International Journal of Fatigue 179 (2024):108042.

2.D. Wu,J.G. Li*,Research Progress in High-Performance Magnesium Alloy and Its Applications. Materials 16 (2023):5460.

3.L.H. Li,W.H. Liu,F.G. Qi,D. Wu*,Z.Q. Zhang*,Effects of deformation twins on microstructure evolution,mechanical properties and corrosion behaviors in magnesium alloys - A review. Journal of Magnesium and Alloys 10 (2022):2334-2353.

4.D. Wu,X.C. Zhang,Y.F. Li,J.Q. Wang*,E.H. Han,Characterization of machined surface quality and near-surface microstructure of a high speed thrust angular contact ball bearing. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 86 (2021):219-226.

5.S.H. Lu, D. Wu*,R.S. Chen,E.H. Han,Microstructure and texture optimization by static recrystallization originating from {10-12} extension twins in a Mg-Gd-Y alloy. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 59 (2020):44-60.

6.S.S.A. Shah, D. Wu1,R.S. Chen,G.S. Song,Static recrystallization behavior of multi-directional impact forged Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy. Journal of Alloys and Compounds,805 (2019):189-197.

7.J.L. Li, D. Wu*,R.S. Chen,E.H. Han,Anomalous effects of strain rate on the room-temperature ductility of a cast Mg-Gd-Y-Zr alloy. Acta Materialia 159 (2018):31-45.

8.S.S.A. Shah, D. Wu*,W.H. Wang,R.S. Chen,Microstructural evolution and mechanical properties of a Mg-Gd-Y alloy processed by impact forging. Materials Science and Engineering A 702 (2017):153-160.

9.W.H. Wang, D. Wu*,S.S.A. Shah,R.S. Chen,C.S. Lou,The mechanism of critical strain and serration type of the serrated flow in Mg-Nd-Zn alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A 649 (2016):214-221.

10.W.H. Wang, D. Wu*,R.S. Chen,C.S. Lou,The influence of temperature and strain rate on serration type transition of serrated flow on NZ31 magnesium alloy. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 25 (2015):3611-3617.

11.D. Wu,R.S. Chen,W. Ke,Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of a Sand-cast Mg-Nd-Zn Alloy. Materials & Design 58 (2014):324-331.

12.D. Wu,W.N. Tang,R.S. Chen,E.H. Han,W. Ke,Strength enhancement in a Mg-Gd-Zn alloy by cold rolling. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 23 (2013):301-306.

13.D. Wu,W.N. Tang,R.S. Chen,E.H. Han,W. Ke,Influence of texture and grain size on the room-temperature ductility and tensile behavior in a Mg-Gd-Zn alloy processed by rolling and forging. Materials & Design 41 (2012):306-313.

14.D. Wu,R.S. Chen,E.H. Han,W. Ke,Serrated Flow and Tensile Properties of a Mg–Gd–Zn Alloy. Materials Science and Engineering A 532(2012):267-274.

15.D. Wu,R.S. Chen,E.H. Han. Excellent room-temperature ductility and formability of rolled Mg–Gd–Zn alloy sheets. Journal of Alloys and Compounds 509 (2011):2856-2863.



2.陈荣石,吴迪,洪敏,柯伟,一种高强耐热镁合金的锤锻开坯方法,专利号:ZL 201410459175.9,授权日期2017.09,证书号2642144;

3.陈荣石,吴迪,王文辉,柯伟,一种对ZM6镁合金进行快速时效的热处理方法,专利号:ZL 201410459029.6,授权日期:2017.12,证书号:2753742;










9.2017年6月参加“The 7th Asian Symposium on Magnesium Alloys”,韩国,首尔,Poster;

10.2016年10月参加“IUMRS-ICA2016暨中国材料大会2016”,中国,青岛,Invited Oral presentation
