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9.2】Lee Hsun Lecture Series
Prof. Michael Giersig
Topic: Research, results and future in creation for nanostructures...
2013-08-29 | 文章来源:李薰奖办公室        【 】【打印】【关闭

Lee Hsun Lecture Series

Topic: Research, results and future in creation for nanostructures for application in electronic and biomedicine

Speaker: Prof. Michael Giersig

         Freie University Berlin; Department of Physics, Institute of Experimental Physics 

Time: 10:00-11:30 AM., (Mon.) Sept.2nd, 2013

Venue: Room 403, Shi Changxu Building, IMR CAS

Welcome to attend!


The goals of the Nanomaterials Group lie in the preparation of nanometer-sized semiconductor, metallic, and magnetic particles, followed by the creation of periodically ordered nanostructures (1-D, 3-D) based on single nanoparticles. A small particle size implies high sensitivity and selectivity. These new effects and possibilities are mainly due to quantum effects that are a result of the increasing ratio of surface to volume atoms in low-dimensional systems. An important factor in this context so far has been the design and fabrication of nanocomponents with/displaying new functionalities and characteristics for the improvement of existing materials; including photonic materials, conductive materials, polymers and composites. In this talk I will provide an overview of our recent research into developing of innovative products and application options in electronics and biomedicine, based solely on nanoscale technology.

Examples of nanoparticles/ nanostructures for different applications


[1] A. Kosiorek, W. Kandulski, P. Chudzinski, K. Kempa, and M. Giersig, NanoLetters 4, 7, 1359–1363, 2004

[2] A. Kosiorek, W. Kandulski, H. Glaczynska, M.Giersig, Small 1, 4, 439-444, 2005

[3] P. Patoka ,T. Skeren, M. Hilgendorff , K. Kempa and M. Giersig, Small 7, 21, 3096-3100, 2011

[4] P. Patoka and M. Giersig, J. Mater. Chem., 21, 16783-16796, 2011

[5] P. Patoka, T. Sun, M. Giersig and K. Kempa, Advanced Materials 24, 22, 3042-3045, 2012


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