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10.30】题目:Probing the unique electrical and optical properties in low-dimensional materials
2020-10-28 | 文章来源:纳米金属材料研究部        【 】【打印】【关闭

报告题目:Probing the unique electrical and optical properties in low-dimensional materials



报告人: Sihan Zhao, Former Pos tdoc in Department of Physics,
    University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California 94720, USA.

摘要:In this talk, I will describe our effort on probing the interestingone-dimensional (1D)and two-dimensional (2D)physics in nanocarbon materials in the past few years. We have combined the electron tunneling spectroscopy and scanning near-field optical nanoscopy to carry out an ultimate experimental test of Luttinger liquid theory in the unique junctions formed by two crossed metallic single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs). We have also observed the sequential band-to-band resonant tunneling processes over a large energy window (~ 2 eV) by electron tunneling spectroscopy, realized in the unique carbon nanotube/hexagonal boron nitride/carbon nanotube heterojunctions. I will briefly talk aboutour experimental observation of the Plasmonic Doppler effect in a Dirac electron sea by using graphene as a test bed. I will also describe our work on the first experimental report of significant change of the electronic structure in one-dimensional van der Waals moiré superlattice.Finally, a polarization spectroscopy technique in the visible and near-IR has been successfully employed to measure the optical absorption spectra of atomically-precise armchair graphene nanoribbons (7-AGNRs and 9-AGNRs) on an insulating substrate.

个人简介:赵思瀚,先后在吉林大学、日本名古屋大学完成学士和博士学位,后在美国加州大学伯克利分校 物理系Feng WANG教授组进行博士后研究。主要从事低维纳米材料及异质结制备以及对其独特基础光学和电学性质的探索。研究手段以光电结合为特点,涉及纳米电输运、光谱学、纳米近场光学等等。 近年来发表第一作者Physical Review Letters 2篇(一篇通讯作者)、共同第一作者1篇(Nature under review), 第一作者Nano Letters 2篇(一篇通讯作者),共同第一作者1篇( Nature Nanotechnology in revision),第二作者 Nature Materials 1篇,研究主要贡献者Nature 2篇、 Nature Physics 1篇、 Nature Nanotechnology 1篇、Nature Electronics 1篇等。仅2020年论文引用已超过340次。获得科研方面的奖项有3项,在美完成科研课题2项。


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