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2017-08-29  |          【 】【打印】【关闭

1) Zhang, Z. F., and Wang, Z. G., Cyclic deformation behavior of a copper bicrystal with single-slip-oriented component crystals and a perpendicular grain boundary, Phil. Mag., 79A (1999) 741-752.  [PDF] 

2) Zhang, Z. F., Wang, Z. G., and Su, H. H., Investigation on persistent slip bands transferring through grain boundary by the SEM-ECC technique, Phil. Mag. Lett., 79 (1999) 233-240.  [PDF] 

3) Zhang, Z. F., Wang, Z. G., and Hu, Y. M., Effect of grain boundary on the cyclic stress-strain response and surface slip morphology in a copper bicrystal, Scripta Mater., 40 (1999) 1353-1358.  [PDF] 

4) Zhang, Z. F., Wang, Z. G., and Hu, Y. M., Intergranular fatigue crack initiation and fracture behavior of a copper bicrystal with a perpendicular grain boundary, Mater. Sci. Eng., A269 (1999) 136-141.  [PDF] 

5) Zhang, Z. F., and Wang, Z. G., Cyclic deformation features of a copper bicrystal with embedded grains and surrounding grain boundary, Mater. Sci. Eng., A271 (1999) 449-457.  [PDF]

6) Zhang, Z. F., Wang, Z. G., and Hu, Y. M., Cyclic deformation behavior and intergranular fatigue cracking in a copper bicrystal with a parallel grain boundary, Mater. Sci. Eng., A272 (1999) 410-417.  [PDF] 

7) Wang, Z. G., Li, X. W., Zhang, Z. F., Jia, W. P., and Li, S. X., Cyclic deformation behavior of copper monocrystals, bicrystals and tricrystals, (Invited paper), J. Mater. Sci. Tech., 15 (1999) 489-508.  [PDF]


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