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1) Zhang, Z. F., Sun, Z. M., and Hashimoto, H., Rapid synthesis of ternary carbide Ti3SiC2 through pulse discharge sintering technique from Ti/Si/TiC powders, Metall. Mater. Trans., A33 (2002) 3321-3328.  [PDF] 

2) Zhang, Z. F., Sun, Z. M., and Hashimoto, H., Fabrication of Ti3SiC2 ceramics: application of pulse discharge sintering (PDS) technique, Adv. Eng. Mater., 4 (2002) 864-868.  [PDF] 

3) Zhang, Z. F., and Wang, Z. G., Comparison of fatigue lives between grain boundaries and component single crystals of copper bicrystals, Z. Metall., 93 (2002) 1188-1193.  [PDF] 

4) Zhang, Z. F., Sun, Z. M., Hashimoto, H. and Abe, T., Application of pulse discharge sintering (PDS) technique to the synthesis of Ti3SiC2 from Ti/Si/C powders, J. Europ. Ceram. Soc., 22 (2002) 2957-2961.  [PDF] 

5) Zhang, Z. F., Sun, Z. M., Hashimoto, H and Abe, T., A new synthesis reaction of Ti3SiC2 from Ti/TiSi2/TiC powders through pulse discharge sintering (PDS) technique, Mater. Res. Innov., 5 (2002) 185-189.  [PDF] 

6) Sun, Z. M., Zhang, Z. F., Hashimoto, H. and Abe, T., Ternary compound Ti3SiC2: Part I: pulse discharge sintering synthesis, Mater. Trans., 43, 428-431.  [PDF] 

7) Sun, Z. M., Zhang, Z. F., Hashimoto, H. and Abe, T., Ternary compound Ti3SiC2: Part II: Deformation and fracture behavior at different temperatures, Mater. Trans., 43 (2002) 432-435.  [PDF] 

8) Li, S. X., Li X. W., Zhang, Z. F., and Wang, Z. G., On the formation of deformation bands in fatigued copper single crystal, Phil. Mag., A82 (2002) 3129-3147.  [PDF] 


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